Source code for hitbtc.connector

"""HitBTC Connector which pre-formats incoming data to the CTS standard."""

import logging
import time
import json
import hmac
import hashlib
from threading import Timer
from collections import defaultdict

from hitbtc.wss import WebSocketConnectorThread
from hitbtc.utils import response_types

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HitBTCConnector(WebSocketConnectorThread): """Class to pre-process HitBTC data, before putting it on the internal queue. Data on the queue is available as a 3-item-tuple by default. Response items on the queue are formatted as: ('Response', 'Success' or 'Failure', (request, response)) 'Success' indicates a successful response and 'Failure' a failed one. ``request`` is the original payload sent by the client and ``response`` the related response object from the server. Stream items on the queue are formatted as: (method, symbol, params) You can disable extraction and handling by passing 'raw=True' on instantiation. Note that this will also turn off recording of sent requests, as well all logging activity. """ def __init__(self, url=None, raw=None, stdout_only=False, silent=False, **conn_ops): """Initialize a HitBTCConnector instance.""" url = url or 'wss://' super(HitBTCConnector, self).__init__(url, **conn_ops) self.books = defaultdict(dict) self.requests = {} self.raw = raw self.logged_in = False self.silent = silent self.stdout_only = stdout_only
[docs] def put(self, item, block=False, timeout=None): """Place the given item on the internal q.""" if not self.stdout_only: self.q.put(item, block, timeout)
[docs] def echo(self, msg): """Print message to stdout if ``silent`` isn't True.""" if not self.silent: print(msg)
def _start_timers(self): """Reset and start timers for API connection.""" self._stop_timers() # Automatically reconnect if we didnt receive data self.connection_timer = Timer(self.connection_timeout, self._connection_timed_out) self.connection_timer.start() def _stop_timers(self): """Stop connection timer.""" if self.connection_timer: self.connection_timer.cancel() def _on_message(self, ws, message): """Handle and pass received data to the appropriate handlers.""" self._stop_timer() if not self.raw: decoded_message = json.loads(message) if 'jsonrpc' in decoded_message: if 'result' in decoded_message or 'error' in decoded_message: self._handle_response(decoded_message) else: try: method = decoded_message['method'] symbol = decoded_message['params']['symbol'] params = decoded_message['params'] except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) self.log.error(decoded_message) return self._handle_stream(method, symbol, params) else: self.put(message) def _handle_response(self, response): """ Handle JSONRPC response objects. Acts as a pre-sorting function and determines whether or not the response is an error message, or a response to a succesful request. """ try: i_d = response['id'] except KeyError as e: self.log.exception(e) self.log.error("An expected Response ID was not found in %s", response) raise try: request = self.requests.pop(i_d) except KeyError as e: log.exception(e) log.error("Could not find Request relating to Response object %s", response) raise if 'result' in response: self._handle_request_response(request, response) elif 'error' in response: self._handle_error(request, response) def _handle_request_response(self, request, response): """ Handle responses to succesful requests. Logs messages and prints them to screen. Finally, we'll put the response and its corresponding request on the internal queue for retrieval by the client. """ method = request['method'] try: msg = response_types[method] except KeyError as e: log.exception(e) log.error("Response's method %s is unknown to the client! %s", method, response) return print(request) if method.startswith('subscribe'): if 'symbol' in request['params']: formatted_msg = msg.format(symbol=request['params']['symbol']) else: formatted_msg = msg self.echo(formatted_msg) else: text = "Sucessfully processed %s request:\n" % method if method.startswith('get'): # loop over item in response['result'] for: # getSymbols, getTrades, getTradingBalance, getOrders for item in response['result']: # Don't print zero balances if method is not 'getTradingBalance' or (float(item['available']) > 0 or float(item['reserved']) > 0): try: text += msg.format(**item) except KeyError as e : print("Formatter for method {} failed on item {} with KeyError {}... item keys {}".format(method, item, e, item.keys())) self.echo(text) else: # Format messages for these using response['result'] directly # (place, cancel, replace, getSymbol, getCurrency) try: text += msg.format(**response['result']) except TypeError: text += msg.format(response['result']) self.echo(text) self.log.debug("Request: %r, Response: %r", request, response) self.put(('Response', 'Success', (request, response))) def _handle_error(self, request, response): """ Handle Error messages. Logs the corresponding requests and the error code and error messages, and prints them to the screen. Finally, we'll put the response and its corresponding request on the internal queue for retrieval by the client. """ err_message = "{code} - {message} - {description}!".format(**response['error']) err_message += " Related Request: %r" % request self.log.error(err_message) self.echo(err_message) self.put(('Response', 'Failure', (request, response))) def _handle_stream(self, method, symbol, params): """Handle streamed data.""" self.put((method, symbol, params))
[docs] def send(self, method, custom_id=None, **params): """ Send the given Payload to the API via the websocket connection. :param method: JSONRPC method to call :param custom_id: custom ID to identify response messages relating to this request :param kwargs: payload parameters as key=value pairs """ if not self._is_connected: self.echo("Cannot Send payload - Connection not established!") return payload = {'method': method, 'params': params, 'id': custom_id or int(10000 * time.time())} if not self.raw: self.requests[payload['id']] = payload self.log.debug("Sending: %s", payload) self.conn.send(json.dumps(payload))
[docs] def authenticate(self, key, secret, basic=False, custom_nonce=None): """Login to the HitBTC Websocket API using the given public and secret API keys.""" if basic: algo = 'BASIC' skey = secret payload = {'sKey': skey} else: algo = 'HS256' nonce = custom_nonce or str(round(time.time() * 1000)) signature ='UTF-8'), nonce.encode('UTF-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() payload = {'nonce': nonce, 'signature': signature} payload['algo'] = algo payload['pKey'] = key self.send('login', **payload)